| 2021 data | 2022 data | Revision | |
| 1. Federal government agencies
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 2. Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
| $275,686 |
$324,197 | $ |
| 3. All other public broadcasting entities
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 4. State and local boards and departments of education or other state and local government or agency sources
2021 data |
2022 data |
4.1 Amount on Line 4 that represents appropriations and other direct support from the licensee
$0 |
$0 | $ |
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 5. Colleges and universities
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 6. Foundations and nonprofit associations
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 7. Business and Industry
| $14,700 |
$14,600 | $ |
| 8. Memberships and subscriptions (net of write-offs)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 9. Net revenue from auctions and other special fund raising activities
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 10. Passive income (interest, dividends, royalties, etc.)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
11. Other (specify)
$0 | $0 | $ |
12 Total Direct Revenue (sum of lines 1 through 11)
$290,386 | $338,797 | $ |
| Less revenue that does not qualify as NFFS:
| | | |
13. Federal, CPB and public broadcasting revenues (sum of lines 1, 2 and 3)
$275,686 | $324,197 | $ |
14. Other revenue on line 12 not meeting NFFS criteria (from FSR Worksheet line W19. below)
$0 | $0 | $ |
15. Total Direct Nonfederal Financial Support (line 12 less lines 13 and 14)
$14,700 | $14,600 | $ |
| 16a. In-kind contributions allowable as NFFS (see instructions)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 16b. In-kind contributions unallowable as NFFS (see instructions)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 16c. Indirect administrative support (see instructions)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
16. Total in-kind revenue and indirect administrative support (lines 16a, 16b and 16c)
$0 | $0 | $ |
17. Total Revenue (sum of lines 12 and 16)
$290,386 | $338,797 | $ |
| 2021 data | 2022 data | Revision | |
18. Programming and Production
$306,400 | $336,797 | $ |
A. Total Restricted Radio CSG (sum of Lines 18.A, 19.A, 20.A, 21.A, 22.A, 23.A, 24.A)
$28,255 | $34,972 | $ |
B. Total Unrestricted Radio CSG (sum of Lines 18.B, 19.B, 20.B, 21.B, 22.B, 23.B, 24.B)
$76,508 | $96,451 | $ |
Variance greater than 25%. |
C. Total Other CPB Funds (sum of Lines 18.C, 19.C, 20.C, 21.C, 22.C, 23.C, 24.C)
$170,923 | $192,774 | $ |
D. Total All non-CPB Funds (sum of Lines 18.D, 19.D, 20.D, 21.D, 22.D, 23.D, 24.D)
$31,565 | $12,600 | $ |
Variance greater than 25%. |
| Additional Information
| | | |
| 26a. Land and Buildings
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 26b. Equipment
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| 26c. All Other
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
26. Cost of Capital Assets Purchased or Donated
$0 | $0 | $ |
| 2021 data | 2022 data | Revision | |
| Use the following worksheet to report revenue not meeting the criteria for inclusion as NFFS. Unless revenue meets the specific criteria defined in the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, it must be excluded from NFFS. This Worksheet is used to report revenue that must be excluded from the total amount shown on line 12 above.
| | | |
| List revenue from for-profit corporations or individuals included in Part I - Total Direct Revenue (line 12), above, that is for the sale of goods and services as specified below:
| | | |
| W1. Production, taping, or other broadcast related activities
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W2. Telecasting production / teleconferencing
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W3. Foreign rights
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W4. Rentals of membership lists
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W5. Rentals of studio space, equipment, tower, parking space
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W6. Leasing of SCA, VBI, ITFS channels
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W7. Sale of programs or program rights for public performance
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W8. Sale or rental of program transcripts or recording for other than public performance, including private use
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W9. Gains or losses on sale of assets and securities transactions (reliazed or unreliazed)
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W10. Sale of premiums
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W11. Royalty income from licensing fees
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W12. Other revenue not listed above and not includable by definition
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| List below any revenue claimed in Part I - Revenue and Support (lines 4 through 11), above, that is represented by the following activities regardless of source:
| | | |
| W13. A wholly owned or partially owned for-profit subsidiary regardless of the nature of the business
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W14. A wholly owned or partially owned nonprofit subsidiary
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W15. Sale of program guides
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W16. Program guide advertising attributable to that percent of total copies distributed that have been sold through normal retail outlets and/or by magazine subscription
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
| W17. Refunds, rebates, reimbursements, and insurance proceeds
| $0 |
$0 | $ |
W18. Other
$0 | $0 | $ |
W19. Total revenue not meeting criteria for inclusion as NFFS (sum of lines W1-W18)
$0 | $0 | $ |