EAS Form

Form One - Identifying and Background Information

Click here to view the notice required by the Paperwork Reduction Act
  • Approved by OMB
  • 3060 - 0207
  • Estimated time per response: Up to 1 hour
Form One

  • Start: 2024-08-05 00:00:00 (US/Eastern)
  • Deadline: 2024-10-04 23:59:59 (US/Eastern)
Form Two

  • Start: (US/Eastern)
  • Deadline: (US/Eastern)
Form Three

  • Start: (US/Eastern)
  • Deadline: (US/Eastern)
x Hover over field labels for additional help.
ETRS Test Record
Each EAS Participant should file a separate copy of Form One for each its EAS decoders, EAS encoders, and units combining such decoder and encoder functions.
For example, if you are filing for a broadcaster (or cable headend) that uses two units combining decoder and encoder functions, you should file two copies of Form One. If your EAS Participant shares an EAS encoder/decoder with another EAS Participant, each EAS Participant should file its own copies of Form One for that EAS encoder/decoder.

EAS Participants that pre-populate Form One using a Facility ID number or a Physical System ID number are urged to review their pre-populated data to ensure accuracy. Outdated or inaccurate data fields that cannot be edited in ETRS are populated from the EAS Participant's filings in the Commission's Online Public Inspection File (OPIF). Accordingly, EAS Participants must ensure that their OPIF information is correct for it to appear accurately in ETRS.

Broadcasters can pre-populate Form One by completing the FRN, EAS Participant Type, and Facility ID fields. Cable systems can pre-populate Form One by completing the FRN, EAS Participant Type, and PSID fields.

Please save your form data periodically by clicking the Save Draft button that is located at the bottom of each form. The current session time-out is 30 minutes.

Aquí encontrará información en español para completar el Fomulario Uno (Form One). Aquí encontrará información en español para completar el Formulario Dos (Form Two) y el Formulario Tres (Form Three).
Participant Information
Select the FRN of the EAS Participant for which you are filing.
Having trouble finding your FRN? Please make sure you have associated yourself to the FRN in CORES or Call the CORES Help Line at 1-877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).
EAS Participant Type
Emergency Alert System
Select a Make and Model and a Software Version to add an encoder/decoder or intermediary device to this form. Once you have finished making your selections, the system will automatically add your entry to the equipment field. If your EAS Participant uses multiple types of equipment, please provide them all.
Software version
  • Make/Model: Sage Alerting Systems - Digital ENDEC Model 3644 | Software Version: Rev95 CR-Rev6
  • Make/Model: Sage Alerting Systems - Digital ENDEC Model 3644 | Software Version: Other - Rev96 CR-Rev7
  • No matches found
  • No matches found
  • Participating National (PN)
  • No matches found
  • No matches found
Are either of these sources monitored pursuant to a Commission waiver? Indicate whether the EAS Participant has been authorized to monitor sources other than those in its state EAS Plan. If these are the sources assigned by your state EAS Plan, select "no."
  • No matches found
  • No matches found
You can add additional sources after the first by clicking on the field again. EAS Participants may manually add missing call signs by inputting them into the "Other Monitored Sources"
Does this equipment monitor FEMA IPAWS? Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 11.52(d)(2) and 11.56(a), all EAS equipment is required to regularly poll the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) EAS alert distribution channel to detect and acquire Common Alert Protocol (CAP)-formatted alert messages from the IPAWS system.
  • English
  • Other
  • No matches found
  • No matches found
Transmitter Location
  • Kashunamiut Lower Yukon
  • No matches found
  • No matches found
Enter the latitude and the longitude of your EAS Participant`s antenna that transmits emergency alerts to the public. Latitude and longitude are accepted in Decimal Degrees. If you need to convert your latitude or longitude from Degrees Minutes Seconds or NAD27, click here.
Receiver Location
Please enter the location of the antenna that your EAS Participant uses to monitor for emergency alerts transmitted by other EAS Participants.
Filer Contact Information
Is this person the EAS Participant's Day of Test Contact?
Day-of-Test Contact (DoTC) Information

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