Nutrition Matters

Umyuartutek’at Program

KSD & Community Members; Roy Atchak and James Ayuluk talk about ways the public can help and can be helped towards improving, making plans and general issues for life skills in our environment. This program is both in Cup’ik and English.

Chevak Traditional Council

KCUK Community Engagement Program: Collaborating with commumnity service programs through KCUK Radio Every first Wednesdays of the month at 2:00pm: TC Administration Reports Every Second Wednesdays 2:00pm; Chevak TC Indian Child Welfare Act(ICWA) Every third Wednesdays 2:00pm; TC Environmental Department Reports Every Fourth Wednesdays 2:00pm: TC Native Aspirations Talk Line Phones: 907 858 7709 or […]

Cup’ik Value – Weather – Announcements

Open Microphone

Cup’ik Word of the Day

KCUK Sign-off Rebroadcast to KYUK

Weather and Announcements

Cup’ik Word and Cup’ik Value in English

Cultural Programs

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